Meet Tom

Tom Ellard is a proud husband and father deeply committed to Canada with long-standing roots in Mississauga-Lakeshore. Tom is also a veteran who served as an infantry officer in the 48th Highlanders of Canada. He possesses extensive executive experience in publicly traded companies, and has a proven track record of delivering projects on time and on budget. He leads his projects and people with an innovative spirit and a clear vision, driven by a desire not to just make a living but to make a difference.  As your Mississauga-Lakeshore Conservative Candidate he will bring unparalleled drive, passion and dedication to serving our community. He is running to bring home common-sense solutions that create safer streets, build homes, and make life more affordable for residents in Mississauga-Lakeshore. 

Tom attended the University of Toronto for his undergraduate degree and holds a Master of Arts from the Royal Military College of Canada. He is a member of the Project Management Institute and has been a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) since 2005.